Jules Boykoff / Hegemonic Love Potion

Hegemonic Love Potion both rollicks and frolics. This collection is a social exercise in poetic possibility that–through détournement, personal reflection, and textual imbrication–presses the political to inflect the personal and vice versa. Along the way, this book brings together seemingly disparate thinkers, artists, actors, and writers, and refracts them through the lens of poetry, appropriating their words and forms and coaxing them into conversation: Brad Pitt meets Noam Chomsky, Allen Ginsberg meets Paula Abdul, Condoleezza Rice meets Kamau Brathwaite.

Factory School. 2009. 104 pages.

ISBN: 978-1-60001-061-3

20th Anniversary Remainder Sale
$10 per title (or 5 for $40)
Email for details: marsh “at” nodiff dot com